+31 653368827 info@onthecorner.nl

Life & Career Coaching

Because you don’t know how you want to continue.

Because it seems you stand at the crossroads.

Because you need time and room for reflection about your own self.

Because you are ‘on the corner’, and you don’t want to stay there.

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On the Corner

Life & Career Coaching

Sometimes you don’t know how to take the next step in your life or work. You are looking for what is to be done, but you cannot find it. Or you do, but you cannot go there or you don’t dare to. Maybe you are struggling with some issue for too long: perfectionism, standing up for your own needs, making choices, managing your agenda. Maybe it’s hard to find the balance between spending time for yourself, with your family and doing your job properly. Possibly you cherish a dream, but you are convinced that it will never be realized. You are ‘on the corner’. The right moment to contact me!

On the Corner: life and career coaching - personal growth, persoonlijke groei, loopbaancoaching, senior professionals - Michiel Hartzuiker

Personal Growth

This is a never ending process. Everything always changes, and every change offers a new set of possibilities. Doing a coaching trajectory with me will bring you more in control of your life and make you discover what really matters to you.

Career Coaching

Are you in for another job? Or even a different sector? Maybe you want to start up your own business? In a trajectory of four sessions you produce a road map for the follow-up of your career

Media professionals

After more than thirty years in journalism, I have a clear picture of your professional environment and I can help you to find your - new - ways there.